Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Amsterdam is a city brimming with life and excitement. When you go there, the number of people roaming the streets high might be overwhelming, but what I found even more abundant were the bicyclists. Dutch people seem to love the bicycles and they are chained to every inch of the canals - and if they aren't chained, then they'll probably be thrown in soon.

If you are visiting, I would recommend going on this free tour on the first day to get a sense of direction around the city and learn a bit about the city. All of the tour guides are really friendly and really educated on the town and work only for tips. While I was there, I also went to Hill Street Blues - a coffee shop for the locals - and had a really good experience. I rented a bike from MacBike, because I was warned that other companies don't offer bikes with strong enough locks or brakes - both of which are necessities in my book. I also visited the Anne Frank House, which brought to life all of the powerful and heartbreaking scenes from Anne Frank's Diary. For travelers on a budget, the Flying Pig Hostel is one of the most famous hostels in Europe! If you have time, try to make it to see the oversized chess board, the Van Gogh Museum, the unique red light district (be warned, however, that taking pictures in this area could result in the worker splashing you in the face with a cup of urine) and the ultra-famous coffee shop in Oceans 11 (or 12, I can't remember which - I haven't seen it) called the Damkring. They have free posters just inside the doors for souvenirs. As for the boat tours, I didn't go, and was told by a local that they aren't worth the price. Biking is definitely the way to get around. They have a quality bus system, but it can get expensive if you use it all the time.

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